Friday, December 15, 2006

The Hogwash Express

Heads should roll over the "Black Hole of Calcutta" rail service introduced by the government and First Great Western. The first one to go should be Andrew Griffiths, the regional manager of First Great Western.
His comments show that he has no idea of ,and no interest in, the service required by commuters on local services. He seems to expect us to "adjust our journey times" to fit the requirements of FGW. Well I'm sorry, but my boss determines what time I start work, not FGW. He urges use to "use the high speed trains" despite the fact that they do not stop at the local stations. And he seems to expect people travelling between the mainline stations to only use the high speed trains so that the reduced local service does not get overcrowded. He says "We can't put on extra (trains) we can only shuffle round what we've got". Well they were there last week, so where have they gone? Up his backside? And his solution to all this? Send the passengers by bus!
Send him to platform 9 and three-quarters and put him in charge of the Hogwash Express.
First the buses, now the trains. FWR are providing a World Heritage city with a Third World transport system


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